You get an error when you tried to create a backup with the Kaspersky Administration Kit Backup Utility. (While the SQL Database is located on an other server than the server where the Administration Kit is installed on)
The error you get with creating the backup
Verifying paths…OK
Opening SCM…OK
Setting up…OK
Repository check…OK
Database check…OK
Saving database…Error – Database server returned an error while backing up to folder \<servername>D$INSTALLKAV Backupklbackup2012-11-27#10-49-09. Make sure database server has adequate write access to specified folder. Error received from database server: error code 1950, error message: ‘Generic db error: “3013, ‘Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server’, ‘IDispatch error #3092’, ‘Cannot open backup device ‘\<servername>D$INSTALLKAV Backupklbackup2012-11-27#10-49-09kavsqldb.bkp’. Operating system error 5(Access is denied.).;BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.’, GUID='{0C733A63-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}’, LastStatement=’BACKUP DATABASE [KAV] TO DISK=’\<servername>D$INSTALLKAV Backupklbackup2012-11-27#10-49-09kavsqldb.bkp””‘.
To solve this issue you have to go to the Database server where the KAV database is located.
Go to services > SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) > Change the log on type to This account ( enter the administrator username and password )
Restart the service and retry the backup utility.