Make a Telnet ( when enabled or via the console cable ) a connection the the switch.
Type the admin information and when entered a Password ( default no password )
To enable the secret command line commands: you have to type the following command: _cmdline-mode on
And press enter. You will get a question. Answer this question with Yes.
If you don’t have a password you will get a popup notification on the CLI Type the code 512900
You get the User View commands if you press ?
<HPv1910>? User view commands: archive Specify archive settings backup Backup next startup-configuration file to TFTP server boot-loader Set boot loader bootrom Update/read/backup/restore bootrom cd Change current directory clock Specify the system clock cluster Run cluster command copy Copy from one file to another debugging Enable system debugging functions delete Delete a file dir List files on a file system display Display current system information fixdisk Recover lost chains in storage device format Format the device free Clear user terminal interface ftp Open FTP connection initialize Delete the startup configuration file and reboot system ipsetup Specify the IP address of the VLAN interface 1 lock Lock current user terminal interface logfile Specify log file configuration mkdir Create a new directory more Display the contents of a file move Move the file ntdp Run NTDP commands password Specify password of local user ping Ping function pwd Display current working directory quit Exit from current command view reboot Reboot system rename Rename a file or directory reset Reset operation restore Restore next startup-configuration file from TFTP server rmdir Remove an existing directory save Save current configuration schedule Schedule system task screen-length Specify the lines displayed on one screen send Send information to other user terminal interface sftp Establish one SFTP connection ssh2 Establish a secure shell client connection stack Switch stack system startup Specify system startup parameters summary Display summary information of the device. super Set the current user priority level system-view Enter the System View telnet Establish one TELNET connection terminal Set the terminal line characteristics tftp Open TFTP connection tracert Trace route function undelete Recover a deleted file undo Cancel current setting upgrade Upgrade the system boot file or the Boot ROM program
When you type SYS of system-view. You will get the list of system admin commands.
<HPv1910>system-view System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [HPv1910]? System view commands: aaa Specify AAA configuration acl Specify acl configuration information archive Specify archive settings arp Specify ARP configuration information bootrom-update bootrom update clock Specify the system clock cluster Specify cluster configuration information command-privilege Specify the command level configuration Specify configuration settings copyright-info Copyright information configuration cut Cut connection delete Delete function dhcp DHCP configuration subcommands dhcp-snooping DHCP Snooping display Display current system information domain Add domain or modify domain attributes dot1x Specify 802.1X configuration information execute Batch Command file Specify file system configuration information ftp Specify FTP configuration information gratuitous-arp-learning Gratuitous Arp learning function gratuitous-arp-sending Sending gratuitous-arp packet when receiving different sub-network arp packet function habp Specify HABP configuration information header Specify the login banner hotkey Specify hotkey configuration information igmp-snooping IGMP snooping info-center Specify information center configuration information interface Specify the interface configuration view ip Specify IP configurations for the system job Schedule a system task jumboframe Jumboframe command lacp Configure LACP Protocol lldp Link Layer Discovery Protocol(802.1ab) local-user Specify local user configuration information logfile Specify log file configuration loopback-detection Detect if loopback exists mac-address Configure MAC address mirroring-group Specify mirroring-group multicast-vlan Multicast VLAN ndp Neighbor discovery protocol ntdp Specify NTDP configuration information ntp-service Specify NTP(Network Time Protocol) configuration information ping Ping function pki Specify PKI module configuration information port-group Port group public-key Specify public-key module configuration information qos Command of QoS(Quality of Service) quit Exit from current command view radius Specify RADIUS configuration information return Exit to User View rmon Specify RMON save Save current configuration sftp Specify SFTP service attribute snmp-agent Specify SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol) configuration information ssh Specify SSH (secure shell) configuration information ssl Specify SSL (Secure Socket Layer) configuration information stack Switch stack system storm-constrain Port storm-constrain stp Spanning tree protocol super Modify super password parameters sysname Specify the host name system-failure System failure handling method system-guard System guard function tcp Specify TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) configuration information telnet Specify TELNET configuration information temperature-limit Set temperature limit tftp Specify TFTP configuration information tftp-server TFTP Server time-range Specify time-range configuration information tracert Trace route function traffic Specify traffic configuration information undo Cancel current setting user-group Specify user group configuration information user-interface Configure the user terminal interface vlan Configure VLAN voice Specify voice VLAN web Web configuration
page 149:
_cmdline-mode on
password is 512900 [as of 5.20 Release 1101P09]
Excelent,, work’s!!!! tks!!!
HP Comware Platform Software
Comware Software, Version 5.20, Release 1513P81
Pingback: Anyone know how to factory reset a 3Com 2824 SFP (HP V1910-24G)
Just wanted to say thanks very much for posting this information, it is going to be very useful indeed for managing my switches.
_hidecmd in the system-view unlocks further commands. Looks like you can switch 3com to HP branding with “brand 1910” but I’m afraid to try it.
I don’t know that command.have to try it by myself also.
tried it and now i cannot use firmware > R1111P01
anyone has an idea how to change the back the branding without having the brand command?
You’re not going to like this, but you can’t.
I took on the management of a number of v1910’s and saw one that had was stuck on old firmware. Tried updating it and noticed that it refused to work beyond the same firmware level you mentioned. I finally came to the conclusion that my predecessor had been ‘tinkering’ and very likely did the same thing via the secret CLI menu’s.
The problem is that since there is a shared platform between 3com/HP/H3C, they used similar firmware. But when the design of later models began to diverge, HP removed a feature from their own firmware that would undo the change made to the Device ID. So you’re stuck.
There is an HP note on this somewhere out there and the purpose that command was designed for. What it doesn’t say is how to fix it if used on a later HP device.
This may shed more light on the subject:
I ended up having to RMA the device after asking HP nicely.
OP – please consider adding a warning to the blog that alerts people to this problem.
Hi can any one have idea how to remove _cmdline-mode authentication in HPE 1920 switches
@someguy: the command _hidecmd does not work. (I’ve tested)
Are you on the newest firmware? It works for me after following your instructions and getting into the system view. Several commands that start with an underscore are unlocked plus others.
_cmdline-mode on
All commands can be displayed and executed. Continue? [Y/N]Y
Please input password:******
Warning: Now you enter an all-command mode for developer’s testing, some commands may affect operation by wrong use, please carefully use it with our engineer’s direction.
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
Now you enter a hidden command view for developer’s testing, some commands may
affect operation by wrong use, please carefully use it with our engineer’s
probably the switch didn’t run on the latest firmware. Where i’ve tested on last time.
Does the HP v1905 switch support “_cmdline-mode on”?
Yes I think, that one works. Only the after a reboot of the v1910 switch the command is lost. and you have to re-type it again to have full access to all commands of the switch.
Big Thanks!!!
Thank you.
That was just what I was looking for. I do however miss the old telnet menu from the old Procurve switches.
Indeed the CLI is more used by users i think..and if you have to do more switches in once you can copy / past you configuration now days it’s difficult. Unless you use these command.
How do I copy boot configuration file from one switch to another using CLI so that the new switch uses this when booting?
if you use display running-configuration than you would be able to copy past the configuration to notepad.
I found this thread via google because I had a similar problem. I can’t reset my configuration cause the user “Admin” has no roles.
I fixed it with this steps:
– connect the switch with console cable
– start PuTTY (38400 baud)
– reboot the Switch (cold start)
– press [CRTL] + [B] while booting
A hidden menu appears. Choose option “7 – Skip current system configuration”
I hope it will help another frustrated user of this HP 1910 switch :]
(Sorry for my english, I’m no native speaker)
Thank you for your input I corrected the english words which were writting incorrectly. It seems I’ve to go test it by myself when i’ve the possibility.
Pingback: Which one is the better one?
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Can anyone tel me the cmd line password for hp1910 24g switch
The default username is admin
by default there is no password for the CLI. unless you configured a password via the gui. Than you need to use that password to logon via the CLI.
How do i use the Sys commands to assign a port to a VLAN?
in system-view you have to do the following:
interface vlan-interface
ip address
interface gigabitethernet
port access vlan
it should look like this:
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/18
port access vlan 2
broadcast-suppression pps 3000
undo jumboframe enable
stp edged-port enable
To delete a vlan – this seems so simple, but I tell you I tried it and it didn’t work, and now it does!!!
undo vlan N
N being the VLAN ID
This is awesome, thank you
How do I do a “show running-config” as in Cisco?
Display current-configuration
Thank you, after looking in the command list for “display” I found it!!! right in front of my eyes
FWIW Ctrl+G is the keyboard shortcut for “display current-configuration”.
Nice to know I didn’t know that command could be used
If i can only bypass 8 ip vlans restrictions !!
I’m not sure. what the default if the default max vlan is 8 you might have to look for a different switch instead..
How to remove a VLAN ID of a port and assign a unique VLAN ID (untagged, e.g, VLAN ID 1 untagged for web managment) to the same port?
You can assign the port to a different VLAN if you do this than the unique vlan ID will change.
hi, can i remove/auto set this _cmdline-mode permanently after reboot? i’m setting rancid to run on 1910, instead having diff of configuration i have nothing on log, i think it’s due to this cmdline limitation rancid couldn’t fetch any configuration.
I don’t know. I think there is no option. But 100% sure I’m not.
How i can configure dhcp in the CLI mode? I need to configure an OPTION 43 like Cisco IOS?
If you should find out the magical way to make cmdline-mode permanent, please sure.
I’m in the process of developing an ansible driver for this switch.
Hi Patrick.
I have the same issue white the HPE 1920, you have success white the Ansible module?
Best regards.
Does anybody knows if this line will also have it:
i’m sorry I am unable to answer your question. The only way to find out is trial and error. Or some other reader of this post has the answer. If i get such switch at my work I wil check for sure if it works. With the same commands as for the 1910 switch.
Hi, I found problem on V1920 . the password 512900 cannot access secret command. Could you please help me find the execute password for V1920. I need to config cli.
Hi, I’m sorry i don’t know i haven’t had this kind of switch yet.
Contact HP maybe? If you know the password. Let us know. I just bought 12x V1910 because i couldnt taken the risk
has anybode already the password for the V1920?
Ohhh please please can anyone help me get rid of this _cmdline-mode command so it is on forever ?!
For the 1920 it should be: Jinhua1920unauthorized
thanks to
Thanks Mickey – works a treat for V1920. Have been using the V1910 series until now but new switches are same cost. It’s so useful for tracking down network issues compared with using web interface.
how to enable telnet in HP A5120 L3 switch?
You have to do this via the console. In this article you can find the commands.
how to setup a ip address in console using putty?
You have to enter the system-view and then you can add the interfaces like on HP A5120 switch. See this blogpost:
Pingback: HP Procurve 1910 Switch commandline | Eric's Tech Blog
has anybode already the password for the V1950?
HP 1950 seem to run Linux. Did you mean 1905?
No the new 1950 series. It allows IRF up to 4 devices. I would love to have the password for that serie!
Does it have the same type of interface to enter extended commands? Can you post a screen capture of you entering a wrong password and the subsequent messages?
I don’t own any yet…they are ordered…as soon as I get them, i’ll post here.
But I expect a long delivery….
I currently have 4 1950’s in an IRF stack and would love the CLI password, The switch is currently missing a lot of settings in the WebUI (i.e SNMP config for IMC). This could be resolved quickly with the CLI password. I logged a call with HP support and they would not release this information they instead told me to wait until December for a firmware update which will add snmp to the WebUI! Quite frankly this is shocking
Below is the output when trying to access the CLI mode.
User view commands:
display Display current system information
initialize Delete the startup configuration file and reboot system
ipsetup Configure an IP address for VLAN-interface 1
password Specify password of local user
ping Ping function
poe Power over Ethernet
quit Exit from current command view
reboot Reboot operation
summary Display summary information of the device
telnet Establish a telnet connection
undo Cancel current setting
upgrade Upgrade the system boot file or the Boot ROM program
xtd-cli-mode Switch to extended CLI mode to display and execute all commands
(special authorization required)
All commands can be displayed and executed in extended CLI mode. Switch to extended CLI mode? [Y/N]:y
Incorrect password.
What if you type _cmdline-mode on instead of xtd-cli-mode ?
pass : Jinhua1920unauthorized
for the fun try : Jinhua1950unauthorized …you never know!
@duffeh, that’s sucks of hp. sadly that they changed the possibility for the lower market with gui / cli solutions that they don’t put it default like the upper level switches where you can access the cli with console / telnet / ssh.
probably hp won’trelease they password due it made be used of support issues where the technical suport of HP can login in the more advanced CLI. then the end user.
duffeh, can you get one of those babies remotely accessible via SSH?
I have 4 of them in stock but didnt had the time to boot them up yet.
I’ll try to do so today and post back my findings…but I must say…funny password.
Slumpi, you need to use the full string to the password field.
oh and can’t you ask HP to take over your screen to enter the mode and set the property?
In the meanwhile…capture the screeninput !
Thank you for this!
1950 Password as some are requesting is foes-bent-pile-atom-ship
folks….it works like a charm! thanks a lot….i really prefer cli above webbased.
slumpi: do you mean that “foes-bent-pile-atom-ship” works as xtd-cli-mode password on your 1950 switch? may I ask you which model did you test it on? (it does not work on my JG960A…)
It has worked on my 1950’s, but I don’t spefically have the JG960A, I have a 24 port poe, 48 port poe, and a couple of the 48 port non poe units. Works for all of them. The other one HP told me to try was agnipath1950unauthorized if the foes didn’t work. If neither work and you are certain you are typing them exact call and open a ticket, the way to get the password is tell them you have to have SNMP enabled. Level 1 will take a day scratching their heads before they send to level 2, level 2 will want on your system but then they’ll tell you the password. At least that’s how I did it.
Upgrade the firmware and it will work
Just wanted to add that the password Andy provided “Agnipath1950unauthorized” works on some 1950 switches prior to the foes-bent-pile-atom-ship password. My firmware is lower than Andy’s and the Agnipath1950unauthorized works, just be sure to capitalize the A!
I figured this out from looking at the other password for the other switches referenced and they all start with caps. Hope this helps some one. Thanks Andy for posting this!
Pingback: Hp 1910v 1Gbps Anahtar ayarlarının Yapılması (3-Com anahtar) » Süleyman Uzun
I tried “foes-bent-pile-atom-ship” at our HP 1950-48G-PoE+ with the xtd-cli-mode.
It still throws “Incorrect Password”.
Any help?
What firmware/image are they running? Ill be configuring them wednessday 16/12 and can let you know.
If you’re having problems getting in to xtd-cli-mode on the HP 1950’s – then upgrade the firmware – the SSE/earlier release has a different password to what’s listed here
Sorry for the late reaction :
JG963A (the 48 ports with POE+)
Next year i’ll be buying the 24 ports version as well …
Latest Firmware 1950_7.10.R3109P09
Hola,buenos días
Solicito de su apoyo
Mi caso es el siguiente:
Tengo creadas 6 VLAN las cuales requiero se puedan comunicar entre algunas, por ejemplo la VLAN 2 se comunique con la VLAN 4 pero no con las demás, las VLAN están creadas en switch HP 1910-48 y en switch HP 1920-24G, sin embargo de las 6 VLAN que tengo creadas solo algunas hacen ping con otras, ejemplo PC1 conectada a VlAN 3 (PUERTA DE ENLACE en puerto 2 de l switch HP 1920 hace ping a PC2 conectada a VALN 2 (puerta de enlace en puerto 2 del switch HP 1910-48, pero de PC2 a PC1 no regresa el ping. Estos dispositivos están conectados por medio de un puerto troncal del switch HP 1920-24 en puerto 24 al switch HP 1910-48 al puerto Gigabit 52.
Mi duda en concreto es saber como comunicar VLAN diferentes. Pues entre las mismas VLAN si hay comunicación.
how do i take the backup of HP switches automatically, is it possible..?
i have no idea if this is possible
Hi, HP 1950 supports _cmdline-mode on ?
yes, mine do
I have a probleme in my configuration in switch HP PoE+ v1910 : the probleme is my Router altai poe+ can’t have power frome my switch
Hello Guys,
however you still have to enter the password.
1950 switches are basicly 5130ei switches with 1950 software running on it, i have installed the 5130 firmware and it works like a charm
Thank so much
Hello Guys,
I have Cisco switch 2960 and i created vlan on it and i have hp switch 1920 and i have different vlan created on it i need how can i allow the traffic and allow all this networks to access each other what should i do should i do trunk between them or what and how can i do that ?
what can i do if i don’t remember the GUI password i need to reset it ?
what is the default IP address for the switch ?
what if i have DHCP server how can i know the switch IP ?
you can make a vlan trunk to both switches.
– hp > trunk or lacp ( avoid in this case lacp )
– hp > untag 1 native ( vlan 1 default) and other vlans you need to tag to the trunk
– cisco > make a trunk poort
– cisco > tag all vlan’s to the trunk port.
– you can reset the password by using a hack on the boot.(
– there is no default ip address. it will receive an IP via the DHCP or you have to configure it.
– you can use best a tool like netscan to find your switch and select it on mac address.
– in the Dhcp it’s most of the time the last IP address which is taken. Or you have to know the mac address of the device to look it up in the DCHP.
I hope it will help you
Thanks a lot Fred for your reply can you write the command line for each device when you have free time.
Pingback: HP Switch Serie 1900 login methods | Glazenbakje's Weblog
I am trying to search the full command, now it got it.. thanks
Hi All,
I have four ip pools on my 1910:
and want to connect these so it is possible to ping from to or etc etc how can can realize this with ipv routing?
Thanks a lot for your reply.
My setup:
VLAN Port Detail
GE1/0/44 1 10,20,30,40,50 Hybrid 1
GE1/0/45 1 10,20,30,40,50 Hybrid 1
GE1/0/46 1 10,20,30,40,50 Hybrid 1
GE1/0/47 1 10,20,30,40,50 Hybrid 1
GE1/0/48 1 10,20,30,40,50 Hybrid 1
Active route table
Destination IP Address Mask Protocol Preference Next Hop Interface Static 60 Vlan-interface1 Direct 0 InLoopBack0 Direct 0 InLoopBack0 Direct 0 Vlan-interface1 Direct 0 InLoopBack0 Direct 0 Vlan-interface10 Direct 0 InLoopBack0 Direct 0 Vlan-interface20 Direct 0 InLoopBack0 Direct 0 Vlan-interface30 Direct 0 InLoopBack0 Direct 0 Vlan-interface40 Direct 0 InLoopBack0 Direct 0 Vlan-interface50 Direct 0 InLoopBack0
Hi, I would like to have two VLANs on my switch hp 1920-48, which get ip address from DHCP server.
VLAN1 get address from DHCP from network
VLAN10 get address from DHCP from network
I have already made two scopes on DHCP server, and I also have done some configurations for all this, but now I’m stuck here.
Please any help…
This is my configuration file:
[SI-MED-ID-0018]dis cur
version 5.20.99, Release 1113
sysname SI-MED-ID-0018
ftp server enable
dhcp relay server-group 1 ip
dhcp relay server-group 10 ip
domain default enable system
ssl version ssl3.0 disable
password-recovery enable
acl number 3001
rule 1 permit ip destination
acl number 3010
rule 10 permit ip destination
vlan 1
vlan 10
domain system
access-limit disable
state active
idle-cut disable
self-service-url disable
traffic classifier pc1 operator and
if-match acl 3001
traffic classifier pc10 operator and
if-match acl 3010
traffic behavior deny_stats_2
filter deny
traffic behavior deny_stasts
filter deny
traffic behavior deny_stats
qos policy pc1_deny
classifier pc1 behavior deny_stats
qos policy pc1
qos policy pc10
classifier pc10 behavior deny_stats_2
user-group system
group-attribute allow-guest
local-user admin
stp mode rstp
stp enable
interface Bridge-Aggregation1
port link-type trunk
port trunk permit vlan 1 10
link-aggregation mode dynamic
interface NULL0
interface Vlan-interface1
ip address
dhcp select relay
dhcp relay server-select 1
dhcp relay information enable
interface Vlan-interface10
ip address
dhcp select relay
dhcp relay server-select 10
dhcp relay information enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/5
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/6
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/8
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/9
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/10
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/11
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/12
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/13
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/14
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/15
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/16
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/17
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/18
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/19
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/20
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/21
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/22
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/23
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/24
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/25
port access vlan 10
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/26
port access vlan 10
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/27
port access vlan 10
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/28
port access vlan 10
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/29
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/30
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/31
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/32
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/33
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/34
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/35
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/36
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/37
port link-type hybrid
port hybrid vlan 1 10 tagged
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/38
port link-type hybrid
port hybrid vlan 1 10 tagged
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/39
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/40
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/41
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/42
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/43
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/44
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/45
port link-type trunk
port trunk permit vlan 1 10
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
port link-aggregation group 1
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/46
port link-type trunk
port trunk permit vlan 1 10
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
port link-aggregation group 1
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/47
port link-type trunk
port trunk permit vlan 1 10
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/48
port link-type trunk
port trunk permit vlan 1 10
port auto-power-down
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/49
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/50
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/51
stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/52
stp edged-port enable
ip route-static Vlan-interface1
ip route-static Vlan-interface10
undo info-center logfile enable
dhcp enable
ssh server enable
qos vlan-policy pc1 vlan 1 inbound
ip https enable
load xml-configuration
user-interface aux 0
authentication-mode scheme
user-interface vty 0 15
authentication-mode scheme
Remove your bridge command and test. If that doesnt work, remove the ACL, QoS and Traffic commands. Otherwise, everything else you have is very similar to my setup. I have two dhcp servers, one windows dhcp and the other is a Sonicwall router.
how do shutdown in hp v1910-24
Unplug the power-cord is the only solution for that.
i want turn off all switch no the interface, i know how use shutdown-interval but i don’t how turn off the switch, can you help me please
Unplug the power-cord is the only solution for that.
Awesome article.. helped me a lot! Thanks man!
One thing I couldn’t figure out.. I wanted to deactivate the status-messages for “link status UP/DOWN” since they are more or less spamming my Syslog-Server. I used the command “undo enable log updown” on every port (“int g1/0/1” -> “int g1/0/2” ..and so on).
But, is there a way to do this with just one command for all the ports?
Hi Tasumi, look into the command “port-group” (its comware’s equivalent of interface range from cisco)
Good guide.
Hi all! the new 1920s is the way to go!…. or not… i ordered one, and i miss an important feature: The console port is gone missing! I will call HP, maybe its hidden behind the front plate sticker…. help!
Amazing thread guys…..Thanks to Fred in particular!
I’ve created VLANs and assigned to ports successfully on my HP 1910-24G using the CLI
Two questions:
1. Can you explain how to create trunk port containing all VLANs
2. How can I change the default VLAN
For me it’s been a while I’ve seen this switch. Best advice what i can give you to make 1 trunk via the gui and read out the configuration from the CLI.
Thank you! I was after a way to add port descriptions to at 1910-24G when I came across this post. Awesome!
Thanx for incredible tip!
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im trying to display information on the SFP adapters for my switch but cant seem to work out the cli command, if i use the display interface cmd it tells me its picked it up but looking for information such as the serial number of the adapter
Try this: dis transceiver interface gi 1/0/51
is it possible to set the arp-age by cmd for the 1910 or 1920 switch? And what would the cmd be?
I’m not sure about it. Does the HP documentation write about it, to configure it in the GUI. if zo that you can find the commands back in the CLI.
Hello, is there any way to set multiple ip adress to one vlan?
I want the hp 1910 switch to be default gateway for some subnets in one vlan.
Thank you for the topic.
Hi Alex,
The HP 1910 has some L3 capabilities. How ever it doesn’t support IP Routing. You can set the default Gateway to your switch IP address for the clients.
But it’s not possible to add a secondary ip address to the switch. I would suggest to create a router on a stick solution where you let your router or firewall do the routing for you. Or upgrade to a HPE OfficeConnect 1920S Switch Series which is an advanced lite Layer 3 smart managed switch. I hope this help you further out with your question
Thank you a lot, Fred. Congrats with your new website, imagine the size of my eyes whem the previous said “404” when I was going to leave you a comment
Luckily, I am waiting to get those 1920 switches soon enough. That’s especially good, because that router-on-a-stick model would rather make me administrating more vendors or leave me only 100 MB/sec channel.
By the way, would you be so kind to send me an email from yours, just to ask you a couple more questions? I assure you I won’t bother you too much =)
I’ve sent you a PM.
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