below A use full script to disable your wireless internface during the night. Me and my colleague are testing if we can use this also for a fallback and if we found that I will publissed that one.
event manager environment _disable_ifname dot11radio0
event manager applet DisableInterface
event timer cron name DisableInterface cron-entry “0 22 * * *”
action 1.0 cli command “enable”
action 1.1 cli command “configure terminal”
action 1.5 cli command “interface $_disable_ifname”
action 1.6 cli command “shutdown”
event manager applet EnableInterface
event timer cron name EnableInterface cron-entry “0 7 * * *”
action 1.0 cli command “enable”
action 1.1 cli command “configure terminal”
action 1.5 cli command “interface $_disable_ifname”
action 1.6 cli command “no shutdown”
event manager applet EnableAfterReload
event timer countdown name EnableAfterReload time 10
action 1.0 cli command “enable”
action 1.1 cli command “configure terminal”
action 1.5 cli command “interface $_disable_ifname”
action 1.6 cli command “no shutdown”
The first part:
event timer cron name DisableInterface cron-entry “0 22 * * *”
The numer 22 is the clock time. This can you change. The script is based on a 24h clock.
event timer cron name EnableInterface cron-entry “0 7 * * *”
The numer 7 is the clock time. This can you change. The script is based on a 24h clock.