Windows server 2012 essentials won't finish installation and generates an warning/error when starting the Dashboard.

Windows server 2012 essentials won’t finishes. You get a setupmon.exe error and when you try to start the Dashboard you get the following error.
Note: I was installing this on vmware workstation and vmware create an normal user. At the end… =/

You have to open windows explorer ( Windows key + E ) and search for setupmon.exe. Choose for the setupmon.exe located in “C:\Program Files\Windows Server\Bin” Run this file as Administrator.

The setup wil starts and continue. After this you can finish your installation.

I don’t know if this is normal or it’s a bug…Unfortunately it happens and this may help you to continue your installation!

11 thoughts on “Windows server 2012 essentials won't finish installation and generates an warning/error when starting the Dashboard.”

  1. +1 I actually found this before installing, and used it right away when setting up as I came across the same issue. Thanks.

  2. Thanks! Same problem here installing on Hyper-V for testing. I can’t understand if this is NOT a bug…

    1. Well I don’t know why. However if you say in VMware and probably it’s possible in hyper-v too. To select a custom setup.
      If you select the custom setup VMware won’t ask to fill your username and credentials.
      Maybe you can test this with hyper-v and than you don’t have the issue with the dashboard.

    1. Hi,
      Were you able to get any resolution? I installed WSE trial version in D drive as well (to be safe to uninstall if I don’t like it) but can’t get the installation go forward from the above screenshot of this author.
      Any suggestions from anyone please?

      1. I’ve no further resolution to it. The solution I provided was for a normal installation. I don’t know why you want it to install on a D drive ( do you want to try a dual boot? ) I’ve tested this within vmware ESX or workstation.
        I suggest to install a virtual box (free) for testing or if you got an hyper-v or vmware environment to test in there.when you don’t like it you can remove it anytime with out ruin your own work installation.

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