Well you can find it anywhere. But any how I just want to share it… How to installat fast and easy a radius server for a Cisco IOS/ASA device ( I hope you know how to configure it on the Router or ASA )
First add a new role to your system. ( You can do this via the Add Roles Wizzard. )
Select Network Policy and Access Services. > Click on Next
Next you have to select the Network Policy Server > Click on Next
Look if the setup is correct and click on Install.
When the installation is finished. The result should be Succeeded. Click on Close.
Check in the Active Directory with the users that the Dial-In settings are set on Control access through NPS network Policy.
Create a new group called for exampe VPN Users. And add the users who are allowed to use the VPN
Go to the NPS settings and register the server in the Active Directory.
Go to Policies > Network Policies > right click > new
Name the Policy for example VPN and click on Next.
Add a condition to the new Policy.
Select Windows Groups and click on add.
Click on OK
Click on Next to continue
Click on Next to continue.
Select Encrypted Authentication (CHAP) and Unencrypted authentication (PAP,SPAP) and click on Next.
Click on No ( unless you want to read this help topic )
Leave the settings to default and click on Next.
Leave the settings to default.
Click on Finish
Configuration for a router you can find in an earlier post: click here
Pingback: Radius Configuration On Router and Server « Glazenbakje's Weblog
Thank you very much for this educative posts 🙂
Hi ! Is it that all I have to configure in the Win2k8 Server to get authentication with RADIUS in, for example Cisco ASA ?
thanks in advance
Yeah the windows radius setup for an ASA is the same. The configuration on the Cisco ASA is only different than on a Cisco IOS router.
So if you follow the article radius should work in the end.
Thank you very much Fred!!
My users can have access to the Network when they connect with the VPN. But they can’t reach the server’s files.