Scriptlogic Desktop Authority Client Issues after upgrade ( no scripts are loaded )

Today I experienced an issue after an update of Scriptlogic Desktop Authority to a new version. Clients don’t get any drive mappings and other configured settings of Desktop Authority.
The problem is that the Client uses the old Computer Agent of Scriptlogic Desktop Authority.
To figure it out which version could be a problem, you’ve to go to the Programs and Application in the Configuration Manager.
Look which versions are installed.

In case of the picture above you need to remove to hold version. Right click on this version and use the Change option. Remove the old version.
After the you’ve removed the old version you need to repair the new version. Right click on this verion and choose Repair.

If the repair can’t find the installation file DAClientinstall.msi. You need to do the following. Go to the \domaincontrollernetlogon folder and search for the DAClientinstall.msi use this file to repair the installation file.
After this you need to do the the steps again. When you didn’t get an message of missing file. You can or maybe need to reboot your computer or server.

After the reboot check there is just only one version in the Programs and Applications in the configuration manager. And check also if the scripts run good.

1 thought on “Scriptlogic Desktop Authority Client Issues after upgrade ( no scripts are loaded )”

  1. thank you for your explanation it’s help me to solve the same problem, that take me too time to find a solution, your solution.. thank you very much.

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