Today I had to see how to make an image view program default. Because the had the Microsoft Office Picture Manager as default. Which wasn’t correct, it had to be IrfanView.
Now I figured out how to do this.
You have to enter the server in Install mode. By the command change user /install
After this you can make a Bat/CMD file to speed up the change process. With the following command you can change the file type association with the program you wan to use as default.
ASSOC .JPG=IView ASSOC .TIF=IView ASSOC .GIF=IView ASSOC .PNG=IView FTYPE IView="%Programfiles%IrfanViewi_view32.exe" "%1" reg add HKCRIVIEWDefaultIcon /ve /d "%programfiles%irfanviewi_view32.exe,1" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f
Below an output of the commands from above. Test after you have done this to see that it works. I had an issue that i put “%%1” instead of “%1”
because I ran the command manually . if you use a Batch file than you need to add the extra “%%1“.
When you finished the file association change the user mode back to execute. via the command change user /execute
Now you can continue to do this on your other terminal / citrix servers.
I changed the programs folder to %programfiles(x86)% as thats where it installs on 64bit os.
however it doesnt seem to have changed the default for anyone.
Maybe you rebooted to apply?
Probably yes I rebooted. I’m not sure. Just reboot in case it needed.
Very disappointed. It didn’t work for me. Users have not been assigned to IrfanViewer.
It might be that the issues I faced that time was on windows 2003 with citrix 4.5 or older in combination with RES workspace software.