ISP Failover Cisco IOS Router

Cisco ISP Failover IOS Router.
Today I figured out I had a problem.  With a tracking on the router with 2 ISP connections. After some trouble shooting I found the problem. And fixed it with the configuration below.
Number of the track.  So you can see which track is related to the default route.

track 10 ip sla 10 reachability

This local policy will activate the route map policy

ip local policy route-map RMP_LOCAL_POLICY

The 2 routes you need is to select the route which will be the default and which will be the secundairy

ip route < ip default-gateway1> track 10
ip route < ip default-gateway2> 200

IP SLA tracking is the end point of the ping it’s going to take.

ip sla 10
 icmp-echo < next hop of mail ISP> source-interface <interface type>
 timeout 1000
 frequency 3
ip sla schedule 10 life forever start-time now

A route map policy is needed for the tracking of the ping of the site you want to ping and which route it needs to go.

route-map RMP_LOCAL_POLICY permit 10
 match ip address ACL_TO_ISP1
 set ip next-hop < next hop ip >
 set interface Null0

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