HPE DL360 Gen 10 – 462 Uncorrectable Memory Error

Today while checking a system for an update of a customer I noticed that the system was rebooted unexpectedly. In the ILO of the server was a system health notification. A memory module degradation happened earlier that day. The memory error was “462 Uncorrectable Memory Error”. This error will be shown during the boot of the server.

After clicking on the health degradation I saw there a memory message. When you click on memory you get the following screen.

A message Map Out Configuration. If you look up the information than you need to do some settings with the RBSU. However, in the ILO of the Gen10 servers, you can click on Intelligent Provisioning.

When you click on intelligent Provisioning you get the following screen

Click in this screen on Always on. A new tab will be opened with the Web-Based Intelligent Provisioning.

Click on Perform Maintenance button and select in the next window Bios / Platform Configuration.

In the menu of BIOS / Platform Configuration, click on Memory Options.

With the Memory Options, you have to select the Memory Remap option

Memory Remap option select All Memory and click right in the top on Update. You will receive a warning that the system has to be rebooted to handle this action. Reboot the server, the server will reboot 2 times, after these second reboot you see in the ILO a green health status and your memory module is taking part again with the system.

Be aware of this, if it happens too often that you need to follow this procedure, then contact the support of HPE with your care pack or supplier who give support on your system to replace the faulty memory module.

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