Cisco | ASA 5508 with Firewpower

Yesterday I started to configure and try a Cisco ASA 5508-X with firepower. With the Cisco ASA 5506-X with firepower i knew already that it would take some time to update the firepower software. Now with this new device I had some time to see and test.

I started yesterday early afternoon the general configuration was done quite fast. how ever the next step was to update the Firepower Software. This took some time so I made a list of the files which I had to use to get to the latest version..

Download the following files and save the logical with a number in front.

The best thing to do is also to download all the boot files and pkg files just in case you need to start over again ( I mean a full recovery )

It took me 2 days to finish. For sure if you have plenty of time to do this you can manage it. But if you have to install this device which I normally need to do in less than a day. Then you can’t update to the latest version and configure the firepower properly.

I hope Cisco delivers newer version with the new Firepower software. As they deliver the ASA/ ASDM version which is almost the newest.

Way to upgrade direct to the last version of the SourceFire software:

Cisco ASA – SourceFire 5506-X | direct upgrade to latest build

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