CallManager Express 8 Feature List

Cisco has posted a list of the new features supported by the upcoming Unified Call Manager Express 8 release. 


Please see below for more details.

  1. Cancel Call Waiting support
  2. CTI CSTA support for native Microsoft Office Communicator integration (presence and phone control)
  3. IPv6 Support for SCCP endpoints (including dual stack)
  4. Logical Partitioning Class of Restriction (LPCOR) (to allow VoIP and POTS separation in India)
  5. Significant MLPP enhancements with support for supplementary services
  6. Multiple music-on-hold source support
  7. Secure IP Phone Support (IP-STE)

For more details, including configuration examples, please see the public feature roadmap linked below:
* Note CTI CSTA *
But here is a link and a excerpt to configuring the CTI / CSTA protocol suite with Unified Communications Manager Express.…
CTI CSTA in Cisco Unified CME
The CTI CSTA Protocol Suite in Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later versions provides third-party call-control capabilities for computer-based CSTA client applications, such as a Microsoft Office Communicator (MOC) client through Microsoft Office Communications Server (OCS) and applications created using the Cisco Unified CME CTI SDK, and enables click-to-dial from the application.
CSTA: Client Application Deployment.
Typically, a computer-based application uses CSTA to control its associated PBX phone via a SIP CSTA gateway. The gateway terminates SIP messages and converts ECMA-323 messages to and from the PBX-specific protocol.
In Cisco Unified CME 8.0 and later versions, a computer-based CSTA client application interacts directly with Cisco Unified CME via the CTI interface in Cisco Unified CME to control and monitor IP phones registered in Cisco Unified CME. Cisco Unified CME replaces the CSTA gateway and the PBX in the typical application-to-PBX deployment to terminate SIP messages from the client application and convert CSTA XML into the line-side protocol that controls the phone.

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