Well this is most of the time easy but useful when need and you can’t remind the command you have to use to add a static route in a Mac OS X Mountain Lion installation. ( Beside the command can be used to older Mac OS X version also 🙂 )
Open fist the terminal session.
Use the following command: ” sudo route -n add x.x.x.x/24 x.x.x.x ( like the example below )” You have to enter your password.
To delete a route you have to use the following command:
” sudo route -n delete x.x.x.x/24 x.x.x.x ”
To view you route table on you Mac you use the following command:
” netstat -nr ”
Will these routes be “persistent” or will I have to add them every day?
they command which is shown is a non-persistent route. On the following site is written how to make a persistent way to get the route after a reboot.
What are these entries with link#4 in the output of netstat -nr?
i really don’tknow i haven’t seen this link before.