HP Procurve Switch | Recover boot sequence after removing boot.ini in the Monitor ROM Console.

If you have HP Procurve 2910al switches in the serial number range

Than you will face the issue that you aren’t able to upgrade to Firmware version 15.x Via the HP support my collegue got the following commands to try to solve this issue.
In boot monitor mode :

0. Monitor ROM Console
1. Primary Software Image
2. Secondary Software Image
Removing the boot.ini ===
=> rm /cfa0/boot.ini 

I recommend not to do this. Why?? When you have done this you need to reboot to the primary software and than upload the new software. If your lucky, your lucky. But if it fails. Your stuck. in a boot that will load the factory default configuration all the time and boots in the ROM Console.
First of al it’s good to know if you forget to save your configuration before executing the command to a file on your computer. You’re in trouble. Second of all they gave me not the how to solve the boot failure seen in the following message.

I was like d|ô.Ô|b’??. What happened now.
To Solve this issue you need to do the following:
Step 1. You need to execute the following command:

boot set-default flash primary

Test if the switch will boot with out going in to the Monitor Console
Step 2. Go to the configuration mode.

startup-default primary config config

Step 3. Make a small change because if you put your configuration in the system and the system doesn’t boot good you can start over again. If the change is saved you can put your own configuration back in the switch.. Advice reboot the switch again after you saved the configuration.

3 thoughts on “HP Procurve Switch | Recover boot sequence after removing boot.ini in the Monitor ROM Console.”

  1. Hi bro ….
    i’m already folowing your step.
    but still same problem , switches stuck in :
    Warm booting system . . .
    ROM information:
    Build directory: /sw/rom/build/nemorom(ndx)
    Build date: Nov 28 2007
    Build time: 16:36:54
    Build version: R.10.06
    Build number: 14201
    OS identifier found at @ 0xbc020000
    Verifying Image validity …
    CRC on OS image header Passed
    CRC on complete OS image file Passed
    Valid OS image @ 0xbc020000
    any advice bro? thankyou

    1. In this case i would request HPE support. It’s in a boot loop. You might have to use the boot command combination the select the correct one. Which is in the post. Otherwise your switch is dead. 🙁
      Good luck if you need some more advices feel free to ask.

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